02 • 11 • 2020

Exhibition of Works by Young Artists “Latvia’s State Forests Scholarship in Art 2020” is Now Open to Visitors

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In November, during the time of the splendid autumn colours, LVM Customer Centre in Riga, 1 Vaiņodes Street, hosts an exhibition titled “Latvia’s State Forests Scholarship in Art 2020”, which features works of art created by students of the Art Academy of Latvia about forest as a sustainable and renewable natural resource.

This year, 28 artists participated in the competition organized jointly by JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) and the Art Academy of Latvia (LMA); the task of the competition was to link creativity with the growing role of forest in the Latvian economy.


The works on display in the exhibition reveal the young artists' understanding of forest management. The works are supplemented by a description, such as: “He who changes, shall remain. When entering the world, creativity takes over and breaks the habits and tendencies of the old, leaving room for new growth and ideas”.

The description of another work says the following: “With the help of symbols in my work I ask the question: what values do we pass on to future generations? Forest can be assessed with the help of rational criteria, but like in art, it is difficult to assess its emotional and aesthetic contribution”.

The author of another work addresses practically the topic of the contest: “It is a dangerous and important job to take care of trees. Not everyone wants to be an acrobat hanging in trees. The work encourages conversation about a less popular profession related to forest management.”



The winner of the competition – the recipient of the scholarship – will be announced at the end of November. The winner of the competition will receive a one-off scholarship in the amount of EUR 1500.



The decision on granting the scholarship will be made by a jury made of representatives of LVM and LMA, assessing the contestants' artistic professionalism and work compliance with the creative task of the competition. More information on the contest is available at www.lvm.lv/maksla and www.lma.lv.