11 • 10 • 2016

Technologies Help to Catch Thieves


At the end of the summer while inspecting the agrotechnical areas in LVM North Latgale, employees of JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) noticed wood piles that should not be there. To find out who did the arbitrary cutting and further moving of the timber, it was decided to involve technologies.

In the previous October weekend, an alert came from the above mentioned territory that informed about movement of the timber. The information was immediately passed forward to the state police and representatives of State Forest Service who came to the scene of the crime.

Previously recorded information in the used technologies, helped to find the tractor with the missing freight, as well as the involved parties. An investigation of the case has been started, and the perpetrators will receive a punishment for the stolen timber.

In the territories managed by LVM, different kinds of technologies are often used to find timber thieves, and this is not the first case when they come in handy.