05 • 10 • 2016

Sort Waste and Do Not Litter for “For a Clean Latvia!”

Cukmens par tiru Latviju

With a call to be responsible towards the forest and educate society on the importance of clean forests, also this year, JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) supports waste paper collection competition for educational institutions “For a Clean Latvia!” (Tīrai Latvijai) organized by society “Zaļā josta” and the National Centre for Education. Within the competition, students have the opportunity not only to compete for valuable prizes but also to learn how to make their contribution to improving environment and protecting it from hazardous waste. They will learn how correctly recycled waste can be turned into secondary raw materials for production of new products, also reducing the amount of waste in the forests.

For the thirteenth year in a row, the competition brings together hundreds of educational institutions and thousands of students to draw their attention to the importance of daily waste paper collection and recycling. General, vocational education institutions and kindergartens are invited to apply for waste paper collection competition “For a Clean Latvia!” in the school year 2016/2017.

 Waste paper and electric batteries collected within the competition will be delivered for recycling, afterwards giving them added value and placing back into the market. The results of the competition, the volume of secondary raw materials, and the winners will be announced in May 2017.

One of the LVM strategic goals is cultivating responsible attitude towards the environment; for that reason the company each year organizes and takes part in a number of different environmental education projects by addressing the society of Latvia – starting with the little ones in kindergartens, school students, as well as their teachers and parents. LVM together with Pigman encourages people to respect the environment, recycle and do not litter the forest within different environmental education activities. It encourages children to be responsible for environment, creates green thinking and understanding of the valuable and unnecessary in nature – trivial today, trouble tomorrow!

Participants were invited to join not only this competition by recycling waste, but also LVM's new eco-program for kindergartens – "Pigman's Detectives", Forest Olympics as part of the international environment education program "Learning about Forest", Mammadaba Master Class, and elsewhere.

For more information on the competition visit http://www.mammadaba.lv/en/.