01 • 03 • 2016

LVM Jaunmokas palace announces a photography contest

maza gaura

As the spring is coming, we can hear the birds singing louder and braver. To promote bird watching and spending time in nature, LVM Jaunmokas palace for the second year already invites nature lovers and explorers to participate in the photography contest "The Winged Neighbours." Contest works may be submitted until 11 April.

The regular visits of tits, bullfinches, lively sparrows, gracious cranes at garden bird feeders – those are only a few of the birds that spend the winter with us. But very soon migratory birds will also start coming back and join them. And who knows, maybe the most attentive explorers will be lucky to capture the bird of 2016 - the great spotted woodpecker.

The winners will be honoured on 21 April, on the Annual Bird Day, and the submitted works will be exhibited in the museum of LVM Jaunmokas Palace.