22 • 01 • 2016

Winter expedition in the forest

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Despite the 15 degrees of frost and the huge snowdrifts, 32 brave young people, guided by LVM Īle forest district manager on 16 - 17 January headed for a 40 kilometre long winter expedition. Participants had the opportunity to learn about sustainable forest management carried out in the areas managed by JSC "Latvian State Forests" (LMV), and feel the breath of history, spending a night in the largest bunker of Latvian fighters, and enjoying the adventures that can be found, seen and heard only in the forest.

"Looking at these young people, I am sure that Latvia has a future, and my life's work is not in vain," says Gundars Freimanis, manager of Īle forest district, guiding the enthusiasts along the forest trails, trough young forest stands, firebreaks and across ditches. The district manager presented the participants with the diversity of the forest and the forest management cycle, from young forest stands to adult forest.

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"The intrigue of this expedition was so great that I declined the grandest traditional dance event - and it was worth it," says expedition member Valdis. In turn the most important benefit mentioned by Jānis (another participant) was the opportunity of getting a constructive justification for why the forestry sector has such an important role in Latvia.

By staying in the largest bunker of Latvian fighters, the expedition participants not only could learn about the Latvian and Lithuanian forest brothers, but also have an insight into the history of making of the Īle partisan bunker. Expedition participants also visited Māra grove, a symbol of the surrounding houses, which after the war were left without their hosts. Learning to recognise forest animal footprints and going on a wolf trap tour, which allowed the participants to get into the skin of a wolf, turned out to be a very exciting experience. Expedition members enjoyed the endless winter fun and entertainment, which are only possible in white winter days, such as climbing-up and rolling down the forest mountains.

Winter expedition to the forest areas and leisure facilities managed by LVM was organised by youth association Augam Latvijai, which brings together people with active lifestyle who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone. The association has also organised a night hike through the partisan battle sites, hiking tour to hill Ložmetējkalns and to other LVM facilities.

For safety reasons, we kindly ask you to inform the nearest LVM forestry workers about such events. It should also be noted that during the winter season it is not advisable to disturb and frighten forest animals because snow and frost make them consume extra nutrients the resources of which are very limited in winter, but once frightened the animals start movng around and consuming their reserves.