01 • 10 • 2015

Film about restoration of forests

 AE D 152144

JSC "Latvijas valsts meži" (Latvian State Forests) has produced an educational film, which explains the forest restoration process, showcases the company's high-grade seedlings from tree nurseries, and offers useful information and practical advice on how to plant a forest in a proper and efficient way in order to make sure it grows healthy and rich in wood.

The forest is alive – first it is born, then it grows, matures, and ages, in order to give space for the next generation. When a forest has grown, its wood yield is collected and the restoration process assisted in order to help it grow back.

Forest restoration works begin with preparation of soil, and choosing a seedling from the company's tree nurseries – either a container seedling or bare root seedling. The next step is to plan out a successful planting procedure and finally, to plant the seedling in soil. A successful choice of seedlings and compliance with planting quality requirements is a prerequisite in order to ensure that the young forest seedlings root in straight, are not damaged by the sun or excessive humidity, and get access to plenty of nutrients and water.

A skilled forest restoration procedure will provide wood yields to our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, just as we are collecting the harvest our great-grandparents cultivated.