28 • 09 • 2015

From the clouds to the forest

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One can often  spot migratory birds when peering into the sky during the fall. We offer taking a  bird’s eye view of the Vecumnieki Forest District of JSC "Latvian State Forests".

Latvia is one of the lushest countries – forests here cover 3.4 million hectares or 52 percent of state territory. LVM manages 1.63 million hectares, including 1.60 million hectares of forest land, 1.41 million of which consists of forest. 0.32 million hectares or 20 percent of all LVM land area are managed as protective territories of nature.

 DJI 0610

With LVM forest territories growing every year, the forest is supplemented with 4.1 million tons of carbon or 15 million tons of CO2e, while the total reserve in all LVM forests amounts to 109 million tons of carbon or 400 million tons of CO2e