15 • 05 • 2015

Night of Museums also features forests and hunting trophies

As part of the Night of Museums, a number of interesting and exciting events took place in all of Latvia on May 16. Various surprises greeted visitors at Jaunmoku Castle and Tervete Nature Park, both managed by JSC "Latvian State Forests".

As of 5 p.m., Jaunmoku Castle invited enthusiasts to participate in forest sign-reading games, quizzes, and agility tests, the interactive shooting range, and bow hunting. Visitors had the opportunity of meeting foresters – hunters, and participating in educating seminars on forest studies and hunting. A hunting dog parade and making a special hunter's soup also took place at the castle. At 7 p.m., the actor Andris Berzins offered his musical entertainment.

Throughout the day, enthusiasts could enjoy home-made products at the Crafts Fair in the castle's forecourt, as well as view various nature-themed films. Furthermore, people had the opportunity of visiting the large-scale exhibition "Jaunmokas 2015", which mainly displayed hunting trophies of animals killed in the wild between 2010 and 2015. The exhibition displayed more than 1,000 different hunting trophies. It is noteworthy that an exhibition of this scale is organized once in five years; furthermore, this has been the fourth Latvian national hunting trophy exhibition since Latvia restored its independence in 1991.

Meanwhile, at 12 noon, Tervete Nature Park invited both children and grown-ups to the season's opening event "Pasakas modinasanas svetki", featuring the fairy tale characters – the Mother of the Forest, charming Princess Zeltite, stingy Sikstulis and his Servant, the merry Sila Witch, and members of the hardworking Dwarf Family. As always– the event was complemented with songs form the "Tervete" and "Septini sapni" choirs, as well as a musical performance by "Pasaku nams" for both children and adults.

Everyone had the opportunity of going on an exciting excursion on the park's Fairytale Train, and climbing closer to heaven via the wooden observation tower.

The international event "Night of Museums" took place in Latvia for the 11th time. Every year, the event's program is improved. This year, participating in the event were 136 museums and 34 other institutions in all of Latvia.