27 • 11 • 2012

Come and Take Part in Nordic Walking Event!

Nordic walking is becoming increasingly popular and the village of Vijciems does not want to fall behind. Everyone is welcome to gather at the Vijciems Cone Drying Facility at 11 a.m. on December 1 for a Nordic walking session under the guidance of a Nordic walking instructor.

Wear comfortable footwear, appropriate clothing or sportswear and stash some snacks in your backpack since you will have a chance to keep yourself warm with a cup of hot tea after the event. Also take some money with you. LVL 2 will be needed to pay for the session.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit the 117-year-old Vijciems Cone Drying Facility where cone seeds are still extracted using the methods of our ancestors. The tour costs 50 santims.

Additional information: 26478620 (Ivars Palejs).