02 • 12 • 2005

The pilot project „Learning about forest” is finished

This year the pilot project of the environmental education “Learning about Forest” organized by Joint Stock Company “Latvijas Meži” (“Forests of Latvia”) in co-operation with the International Foundation for Environmental Education has come to a successful end. 25 schools of Latvia were invited to participate in 4 competitions within the framework of the pilot project, including the topics about forests in four school curriculum topics – Latvian language, practical job skills, visual art and nature studies.  

„Learning about Forest - LEAF” or „Izzinot mežu” is a training program of the Global Foundation of Environmental Education (FEE). The objective of it is to enhance the development of children and youngsters’ understanding about the manifold importance of forest in the life of our society, starting with the ecological and cultural importance and up to the aspects of economy and maintenance. For this reason the program includes not only the education and training of school children, but that of their teachers, developing an international network of forest education.