08 • 02 • 2023

LVM Kalsnava Arboretum Takes Part in an International Seed Exchange

index seminum

Winter in the LVM Kalsnava Arboretum is by no means a quieter or calmer time. There is no end to the work because it is time to sort the seeds of ornamental trees collected in summer and autumn to publish the international seed exchange catalogue Index Seminum.

LVM Kalsnava Arboretum has been participating in the international seed exchange Index Seminum since 1981. During this time, more than 40 tree seed catalogues have been published. With the help of seed catalogues, botanic gardens, arboretums, plant collectors, environmental and horticultural educational institutions around the world provide a diversity of collections. Seed exchange provides an opportunity to expand collections by introducing unusual plants that are able to adapt to specific conditions, for example by receiving seeds from gardens and wildlife in desert or mountain regions, which would otherwise only be obtained through expeditions.

Seeds of ornamental tree plants collected in 2022 from 194 taxa are collected in the 2023 seed exchange catalogue. The catalogue has been sent out to more than 130 different gardens around the world, reaching destinations such as Japan, Spain, France, Canada, Monaco, and Cuba.

“The international seed exchange has just started, but we have already received 13 orders with 68 varieties of seeds from our catalogue. The seeds have started their way to Belgium, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Austria, Estonia, France, and the Netherlands. Along with special greetings and wishes for endurance, the seeds will also travel to Ukrainian colleagues,” says Gatis Teilis, Head of the LVM Kalsnava Arboretum Information Centre.

The Kalsnava Arboretum garden is also among the rarities of woody plants from the seed exchange catalogues. Currently, 31 Index Seminum from 17 different countries have been received and reviewed. The list of countries is extensive, including even countries like Israel and Iceland.

The garden is alive along with the trees that live in it. LVM Kalsnava Arboretum – it is a collection of unusual, special, and exotic trees that invite you to encounter the whole world through trees!

Every day, you can hear tourists and school groups who go to explore the adventures of seeds and capture the moments of their own adventures. The Kalsnava Arboretum is home to knowledge, the joy of meeting and peace. Learn more on the Mother Nature website.