In late September or early October, a lucky enthusiast of autumn’s abundant colours will have a chance to become the 100,000th visitor and receive a surprise gift!
Tērvete Nature Park, managed by JSC Latvia’s State Forests, is visited by a large number of tourists each year. The park has also become a popular recreation destination among young and old friends of nature. This autumn, the park awaits its 100,000th visitor.
Tērvete Nature Park is the best and friendliest place for families with children and those who can look at the world through the eyes of a child. The park is a place where you can find not only wooden sculptures, but also “live” characters from various fairytales by writer Anna Brigadere. Experience the park’s magic by taking a ride on the Fairytale Train or a bicycle and enjoy Nordic walking sessions or leisurely walks in the old pine forest. Those who enjoy active recreation can try out the latest activities on the Playground or climb the highest observation tower and admire the plains of Zemgale. The park’s cafés also offer delicious meals.
Tērvete Nature Park has also been awarded the title of European Destination of Excellence in Latvia. In 2013, the park received the greatest support from residents in the Welfare Ministry’s competition for best family-friendly recreation destination.
Tērvetes dabas parks atzīts par izcilāko Eiropas tūristu galamērķi Latvijā EDEN projekta ietvaros, un 2013. gadā Tērvetes dabas parks izpelnījies lielāko iedzīvotāju balsu skaitu Labklājības ministrijas organizētajā konkursā „Ģimenei draudzīga atpūtas vieta”.
Informāciju sagatavoja:
Laura Zalcmane, Tērvetes dabas parka Informācijas centra vadītāja, tālr. 29887140