10. Endless possibilities of Forest Pedagogy: Let's design the bridges together – forest – teachers – education

Presenter: Mariana Výboštoková, Dagmar Sélešová, Veronika Jaloviarová (National forest centre – Institute for Forest Consulting and Education Zvolen, Slovakia)

Description: The objective of the workshop was to create possibilities for forest pedagogues and teachers to have an experience for mutual learning about the forest and education. The topic is relevant for ESD concept and the content of forest pedagogy as a part of environmental education. The teachers learned more about forest, they were motivated to use a forest as a space for education, to use more natural materials in the process of education and also cooperate more with the forest pedagogues. The workshop demonstrated endless possibilities of forest pedagogy. The workshop was adaptable for different target groups, especially for youth.

Format: The workshop took place both inside and outside. The technical equipment was provided by workshop presenters (notebooks, beamer, papers, crayons, pens, glue, twine, scissors, duct tape). Participants should have brought and used in workshop their own mobile phones. Participants used outside environment to find something (leaves, cones, stones, seeds and fruits of forests trees, small branches, small part of wood e.c.). At the beginning of the workshop the participants were divided in 2 or 3 groups. The workshop leaders introduced tasks which are going to be fulfilled by groups. The workshop leaders moderated the progress. The stresswas put on two important topics - forest and education as well as on the link between them.