05 • 03 • 2019

Educational Films about Smart Forest Management

ponsse cabin 1

JSC “Latvia's State Forests” (LVM) in cooperation with its Swedish colleagues, has prepared new educational films in Latvian about attentive and efficient forest management: “No Traces Left” (Neatstājot pēdas) and “Work Wisely with Forwarder and Harvester” (Strādā ar forvarderu un harvesteru gudri), which will be useful for both professionals and young people who plan to link their future to forestry, especially forest machinery.

“Today, work in the forest can no longer be imagined without technologies; therefore, it is of key importance to keep up with the latest trends in this area. Such educational films are an effective way of communicating the knowledge of experienced professionals to the widest possible audience,” says Jānis Gercāns, LVM Forestry Quality Manager, hoping to make new video stories about smart work in the forest also in the future.


In these films, experienced Swedish foresters tell about the importance of work planning and its impact on the ecosystem, pointing out that the wise use of machinery allows them to work according to the best forest management practices.


LVM website offers a number of other training films on harvesting, pollution reduction in forest works, effective forest development, as well as a film on timber quality and its impact on the further processing, showing the process of making wooden products from felling of a tree to a finished product.